Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry project “A Program for Emerging Fashion Leaders”.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry project “A Program for Emerging Fashion Leaders”.
Served as an advisor for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “A Program for Emerging Fashion Leaders” by Infobahn
Click to continue reading ““A Program for Emerging Fashion Leaders””

Book Translation: Designs for the Pluriverse by Arturo Escobar
『Designs for the Pluriverse』の翻訳書籍『多元世界に向けたデザイン ラディカルな相互依存性、自治と自律、そして複数の世界をつくること』を翻訳・監訳
Book Translation: Designs for the Pluriverse by Arturo Escobar
Supervised the translation of the book ” Designs for the Pluriverse”.
Click to continue reading “Book Translation: Designs for the Pluriverse by Arturo Escobar”

Adaptive Service Blueprint, A Report
コロナ禍の行政におけるサービスデザインについて、滋賀県日野町、パーソンズ美術大学との共同研究報告書『Adaptive Service Blueprint, A Report』を発表
Adaptive Service Blueprint, A Report
Published “Adaptive Service Blueprint, A Report”, a joint research report with Hino Town, Shiga Prefecture and Dr. Lara Penin and Dr. Eduardo Stasowski at Parsons New School on the changing landscape after the Covid-19
Click to continue reading “Adaptive Service Blueprint, A Report”

Exhibition Supervision: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi
GOOD DESIGN Marunouchiの企画展「循環のレシピ – サーキュラープロダクトデザインの現在地」を監修
Exhibition Supervision: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi
Supervised the exhibition “The Recipe for Circulation – Circular Product Design Today” at GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi.
Click to continue reading “GOOD DESIGN marunouchi: Exhibition Supervisor”

Emerging State of Fashion Report: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
経済産業省 商務・サービスグループ ファッション政策室 クールジャパン政策課「これからのファッションを考える研究会 ~ファッション未来研究会~」座長
Emerging State of Fashion Report: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Chairperson, “Study Group for Future Fashion – Fashion Future Study Group”, Cool Japan Policy Division, Fashion Policy Office, Commerce and Service Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Click to continue reading “Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry”

The Japan Foundation Asia Center Crosstalk
国際交流基金 アジアセンター クロストーク~ポスト・コロナに向けて旅する文化~にてAnnisa Wibi、山崎亮と対談
The Japan Foundation Asia Center Crosstalk
Conversation with Annisa Wibi at the Japan Foundation Asia Center Crosstalk – Cultures Traveling Toward Post- Covid 19.
Click to continue reading “The Japan Foundation Asia Center Crosstalk”

Collaborative Research: Food Shaping the Future with Daigas, 2019-2021
大阪ガスエネルギー技術研究所と取り組んだ共同研究「Food Shaping the Future」にてプロジェクトリードをつとめる
Collaborative Research: Food Shaping the Future with Daigas, 2019-2021
Project lead for the collaborative research “Food Shaping the Future” project with the Osaka Gas Energy Technology Institute.
Click to continue reading “Collaborative research 2020.3 Food Shaping the Future”
“Food Shaping the Future”
大阪ガスエネルギー技術研究所と京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Labとの共同研究「Food Shaping the Future:Design-led explorations on the possible future food」において、プロジェクトリードをつとめる
“Food Shaping the Future”
Project lead for ”Food Shaping the Future: Design-led explorations on the possible future food”, a joint research project between Osaka Gas Energy Technology Research Institute and Kyoto Institute of Technology KYOTO Design Lab.
Click to continue reading “2019-2021 Food Shaping the Future”
Public Lecture Moderator
ララ・ペニン氏のパブリックレクチャー「The socio-cultural relevance of design in a world of systemic crisis: a case for transdisciplinary design」の司会
Public Lecture Moderator
Moderator of Lara Penin’s Public Lecture “The socio-cultural relevance of design in a world of systemic crisis: a case for transdisciplinary design”.
Click to continue reading “Public Lecture Moderator(Lara Penin)”

IDFA Competition for Short Documentary
IDFA Competition for Short Documentary
“Transition”, co-directed with Kana Ohashi, was selected for the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) Competition for Short Documentary.
Click to continue reading “IDFA Competition for Short Documentary”
Co-creation event
オープンイノベーションプラットフォーム「MTRL」とタジマ工業との共創イベント「古くて新しい『刺繍』の可能性 – 糸によるサーフェスと質感のデザイン-」に登壇
Co-creation event
Speaking in the co-creation event between MTRL, an open innovation platform, and Tajima Industries: “The Old and New Possibilities of Embroidery – Designing Surfaces and Textures with Threads”.
Click to continue reading “Co-creation event(MTRL,Tajima Industries)”
Guest lecture translation and moderation
アネケ・スメリク氏による公開講演「Thinking through Fashion: Philosophy and Technology」司会進行
Guest lecture translation and moderation
Translating and moderating the public lecture “Thinking through Fashion: Philosophy and Technology”by Anneke Smelik.
Click to continue reading “Guest lecture translation and moderation”

Book translation
監訳書『クリティカル・デザインとはなにか? 問いと物語を構築するためのデザイン理論入門』出版
Book: translating Critical Design in Context: History, Theory, and Practice
Supervised translation for Critical Design in Context: History, Theory, and Practice
Click to continue reading “Book: “Critical Design in Context: History, Theory, and Practice”.”

Appointed as a Project Professor at Kyoto Design Lab
2019年4月、京都工芸繊維大学Kyoto Design Labの特任教授に就任
Appointed as a Project Professor at Kyoto Design Lab in April 2019
Appointed as a Project Professor at Kyoto Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology.
Click to continue reading “2019/04 Project Professor at Kyoto Design Lab”

21_21 DESIGN SIGHTにて展示:SFC水野大二郎研究室が技術協力したYUIMA NAKAZATO 2018 SSコレクションに関する展覧会を実施
Exhibition at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT: Exhibiting clothes from the YUIMA NAKAZATO 2018 SS collection for which Keio University SFC Daijiro Mizuno Laboratory conducted technical research.
Click to continue reading “YUIMA NAKAZATO Exhibition “HARMONIZE””

慶應義塾大学SFC Open Research Forum 2016
Open Research Forum 2016に参加。年次報告として、研究室プロジェクトであるTactical DesignおよびTransition Designに関する成果を公開
Keio University SFC Open Research Forum 2016
Taking part in Keio University SFC Open Research Forum 2016 and publishing some writings: A paper on Tactical Design and a dialogue on Transition Design.
Click to continue reading “慶應義塾大学SFC Open Research Forum 2016″

Peter Mariogld Workshop Ultra Factory/Critical Design Lab
Peter Mariogld Workshop Ultra Factory/Critical Design Lab
Three-day workshop held at Critical Design Lab
Click to continue reading “INSIDE OUT Peter Marigold Workshop, Ultra Factory/Critical Design Lab”

So Far So Good: Critical Design Lab 2008-2010 Exhibition
So Far So Good: Critical Design Lab 2008-2010 Exhibition
An exhibition looking at the last two years at Critical Design Lab at Ultra Factory.
Click to continue reading “So far So good: critical design 2008-2010″

Inclusive Arhitecture workshop at Meiji Gakuin University
As a pre event for Japan Volunteer Society Conference, Inclusive Architecture workshop was held at Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo.
Click to continue reading “Inclusive architecture at Meiji gakuin”

Ultra Factory/Critical Design Lab Exhibition
Technological Dreams
Ultra Factory/Critical Design Lab Exhibition
Technological Dreams
An exhibition on how technology can be critically viewed in the possible future
Click to continue reading “Ultra Factory/Critical Design Lab Technological Dreams”

Inclusive Architecture -Tactical Intervention-
Inclusive Architecture -Tactical Intervention-
This project,conceived by Dot Architects and Dr. Mizuno, aims to design space that encourages anyone to take part in the planning and construction processes by using found cardboards on the street.
Click to continue reading “Inclusive Architecture -Tactical Intervention-”

Belonging and Belongings with Chelsea College of Art and Design
Chelsea College of Art and Designの学生らと共に行った共同研究
Belonging and Belongings with Chelsea College of Art and Design
A joint research project with BA Design Communications students at Chelsea College of Art and Design
Click to continue reading “Belonging and Belongings with Chelsea College of Art and Design”

Artists Summit Kyoto 2009 Exhibition Space Design
Artists Summit Kyoto 2009 Exhibition Space Design
An Exhibition Space for the Artists in Residence programme at Kyoto University of Art and Design, designed with the members of Critical Design Lab
Click to continue reading “Artists Summit Kyoto 2009 Exhibition Space Design”

Ultra Factory Work In Progress Exhibition 2009
Ultra Factory/Critical Design Lab Work In Progress Exhibition Autumn 2009
This is a work in progress exhibition held at the Ultra Factory in 2009. The project undertaken was entitled “Rediscovering Visions”, investigating the city by making a diagram.
Click to continue reading “Ultra Factory Work In Progress 2009″
Copyright © 2009
Daijiro Mizuno
all rights reserved.